Training for the Theatre (1982)

Training for the theatre, Premises and promises, edited by Suria Saint- Denis, New York, Theatre Arts Book, London, Heinemann, 1982.

 Guide for  the teaching of theatre, it is meant for actors, directors, technicians – all those who guide acting students in their first steps towards acquiring the tools of their craft. Premises with Jacques Copeau, then the schools he created  – The London Theatre Studio, The Old Vic Theatre Center, L’Ecole Supérieure d’Art Dramatique de Strasbourg, L’Ecole Nationale de Theâtre du Canada, The Juilliard School Drama Division, The Stratford Studio of The Royal Shakespeare Company – , last  the progression of the training, the actor’s techniques, improvisation, interpretation.

Télécharger le chapitre 3 : « Guiding Principles : The Progression of the Training » (pdf)

Lire l’Introduction écrite par Peter Hall